Hey there, currently facing a dilemma.

I’m not able to go back to my origin country for the holidays due to money, scheduling, flying in the winter being miserable, being horribly depressed just stuck in my parents house, and a friend recently moving to my new country and wanting to be there for them.

How do I even begin to tell my family that I’m not coming back? They’re trying to include me in a gift exchange (without having asked…), and just fully expect me to come back like I did last year. I’ve told them I don’t know about vacation time yet, but I’m not really sure what to say at this point.

Do I just lie and say I couldn’t get the time approved? Or do I tell the truth that I just don’t want to do all that travel and spend all that money…

  • Herbiehund@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    What are you, twelve?

    Tell them if they’re that bothered then they should try not being such a massive pain in the arse and then switch your phone off.

    • Accprova@alien.topB
      1 year ago

      I mean, no offense but what you suggest sounds like a reaction from a 12 year old instead. There are ways to stand your ground while still being diplomatic and not burn bridges.