-Dangerous or sketchy people out in the street (in LA it’s all the time, I hate feeling scared or worried about these random weirdos)
-How EVERYTHING is expensive. No matter what it is, it’s gonna be a hit to the pocket book.
-Going anywhere is an exhausting adventure
-Mass shootings and gang members
-in the US, the only things to do relate to giving money to a business.
-Everything is built around a car, there’s not many places to where it’s normal to walk around just for fun. In LA, pedestrian places like Hollywood Blvd or Venice Beach have become real sketchy.
-Tipping has outrageous and makes already expensive food even more expensive.
-How tax is not included in the price
-Because rent is so expensive most friends/ family live in small apts or with their parents. It makes simply hanging out more complicated
-Fighting in clubs or in general. I’ve lived out of the US for 4 years and I’ve never seen a single fight. Came back to LA, went to a bar and saw 5 fights in one night.
-Americans are so miserable, obsessed with work, don’t know how to have fun and many people so sensitive or brainwashed
Things I don’t miss:
-Rampant homelessness
-Dangerous or sketchy people out in the street (in LA it’s all the time, I hate feeling scared or worried about these random weirdos)
-How EVERYTHING is expensive. No matter what it is, it’s gonna be a hit to the pocket book.
-Going anywhere is an exhausting adventure
-Mass shootings and gang members
-in the US, the only things to do relate to giving money to a business.
-Everything is built around a car, there’s not many places to where it’s normal to walk around just for fun. In LA, pedestrian places like Hollywood Blvd or Venice Beach have become real sketchy.
-Tipping has outrageous and makes already expensive food even more expensive.
-How tax is not included in the price
-Because rent is so expensive most friends/ family live in small apts or with their parents. It makes simply hanging out more complicated
-Fighting in clubs or in general. I’ve lived out of the US for 4 years and I’ve never seen a single fight. Came back to LA, went to a bar and saw 5 fights in one night.
-Americans are so miserable, obsessed with work, don’t know how to have fun and many people so sensitive or brainwashed