I love Turkey. However I do not think that this is the way how you can get any useful information. You will just get some twitter-like horrendous stories of scams and people who spent there several days/weeks and did not get to know the culture or even several turkish words at all. As for cost of living, visas, healthcare, you can find this info objectively using google. The rest - subjective stories, will be IMO just typical stereotyping DN trends, like Chiang Mai is best, Bali is not what used to be, Lisabon is top etc. These are just fads. I do not like Lisabon and like e.g. Tunis, where 99% of DN will never come. I believe the only way is to come to the country and experience it. Again, I can only tell from my experience that I consider Turkey to be one of best option for DN (me being from Central Europe = even travel time is very convenient from Europe)
Very generally: More north = more quite, more south = more noisy