it all depends on where you live. being on a cartel drug route is horrid, living in a small interior city can be charming. personally, i am fond of tlaxcala
it all depends on where you live. being on a cartel drug route is horrid, living in a small interior city can be charming. personally, i am fond of tlaxcala
just like another foreign country
just ask yourself why are millions of people trying to get here every year. vi lived abroad for 20 years. i was shot at twice there, but never here. i have been jailed there just for beingx in the wrong place at the wrong time. i have to pay a large bribe there just to get ahome telephone, but here they are trying to give me one. here i turn on the tap and water comes out. there the water ran onlyx2 hours a day, and after that, you could not drink it c. here i do not have to pay a bribe to be able to buy meat in the market because there is enough to go around xhere my children were not run over by their own school bus, and here i did not have to gribe the teachers to give them the grades they earned. lady, count your blessings…
you keep part b as long as you pay for it, but it only covers services rendered inside the us. you probably wil want medigap insurance that covers overseas expenses.
depends on your ability to speak italian at the conversational level
enter and leave by sea from italy on the ferry.