Does anyone have any advice on getting out of America?? This place is pretty much a joke. Also, I am mostly broke. I could sell my car I guess, for some money.

  • RidetheSchlange@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    If you’re broke, then the chances of getting out are slim to zero. You could put a plan together to get out in 5-10 years and until that point, you sacrifice everything to get enough money built up and certifiably learn one or two languages.

    What I would recommend is if you’re not educated, save money, enroll in a community college, get good grades, maybe try to take some honors/higher level courses that are recognized by 4-year universities, get your AS degree. An AS with advanced/honors courses will put you way forward in going to Europe. It still will not make you completely employable, but you will be way forward. It could be possible, depending on how ambitious you are, to get a 2+ year degree with the AS and meaning that you take extra courses that aren’t requirements for your degree, but higher level, then you have like 2.5-3 years worth of courses and an AS that can’t be taken away, then you enroll in the cheapest 4 year that will take all of your credits and then you have only 2-3 semesters and you may get a scholarship because you were a good student at a community college. Get a BS, then you’re employable at home or elsewhere or at a company that will hire you in the US and place you elsewhere. You can also use the CC time to learn 1-2 other languages, effectively saving money on lessons or the certification tests which are very expensive.

    Outside of that, you’ll be competing with every other American doing the same exact thing and running away from something. I agree, the US is a fucking joke now with the costs of living, fleecing of the consumers being hidden under the inflation, safety issues, and people getting progressively stupider because they’re getting their news from tiktok. I don’t agree about the idea that the US is the place to make it because it hasn’t been that way in forever. I think making it in Europe might be easier, depending on what you have, but unless you’re an EU/EEA citizen to start, things are stacked against you.

    1 year ago

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  • Tantra-Comics@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Being broke in a country that has a 3% unemployment rate is better than being broke in one that has a 36% unemployment rate.

    Running away from broke won’t change. Sit down and ask what do you need to do to get where you want to go? Running into something instead of running away from something, would be a better mindset. Are you studying? Do you have a learning disability that you’re not addressing and it’s impacting your capacity to study? What Do you want to do or do you want to be an entrepreneur? What interests you?..… the beginning stages of anything are uncomfortable. That’s part of the process. You don’t know. You’re not certain and you don’t know how…. Seek a mentor and gather information from possible role models. Learn how they did it. The structure, the process, the challenges and be realistic of the process (it takes time, not an overnight thing)

  • ParticularDance496@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I would look at military contracting jobs, in Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia to start. Gets you out of the States. I don’t believe most foreign countries will hire a foreigner for jobs that could be filled by locals. English teachers are the exception. You could teach English online first, but it will be during the day time of the country you chose. Good luck keep us informed.

  • These_Tea_7560@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Be realistic… if you don’t learn a new language, get an international skill, and save up for immigration and lifestyle costs it is not gonna happen this decade.