I came to a country to find a job, I found it, but housing was difficult so the owner of the company helped me with accomodations for 1 month. I found a place of my own right after one month. The thing is: I don’t want to stay in the job (after two months) and in the country, for several reasons. Should I be clear that I am not enjoying the job? Or should I blame the country and avoid being sincere since they helped me? I just don’t want to sound like a bad person.
Stop worrying about sounding like a bad person. Work is work. You do not owe your employers insight into your internal feelings or aspirations.
If you are in a professional capacity, turning up and doing the job, then it is simply none of their business if you want to leave or dream about leaving or are planning on leaving.
Do be aware that local customs may not match up to this advice however, but at the same time if you hire foreigners you get foreigners.
Don’t make commitments they could hold you to, especially anything written down, and make sure you know local laws around employment.