I just read a long thread about all of the things US expats miss about life in the US. I thought it would be interesting to ask about the opposite: What do you NOT miss about life in the US?
I just read a long thread about all of the things US expats miss about life in the US. I thought it would be interesting to ask about the opposite: What do you NOT miss about life in the US?
Entitled Karens, commercialism, high medical costs
Yes! Omg. I’ve said this to my American friends so many times - they laugh at me and say it’s in my head. Nope. Soooo many Karens (and Kens).
Is homelessness, addiction, and crime better in other countries?
Not an issue where I am currently living
Visit Vietnam. Karen overdrive
American Karens?
Vietnamese aunties.
And actually Singapore has a ton of Karens too.
You nailed it. This is why I left the US and have no plan to move back.