In all sincerity, how do you get out and find work and should you? I’m 40F and have barely left this country. I don’t know how to make a better life for me and my children and I’m not even sure that this isn’t still the ‘safest place’ as the saying has always been. Are all governments corrupt? Are they all at risk of war? Are rich people and corporations given legal passes and tax breaks everywhere? Is there gang violence, racism and sexism everywhere? I want to live without fear that my kids could be killed by some idiot with guns, I want our family to live a life free from servitude just to to pay for car+home+health insurance and not worry we could die simply because we couldn’t afford to pay the highest price for medical care in the world, and I want to know the government or a corporation won’t be allowed to harm people and places with toxic chemicals or skipping safety measures. I want to be more than fuel for capitalism. This is a serious question. I’ve intentionally left my home country out but I’m sure you have guessed.

  • foulminion@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Given the anxious tone in your writing, I’m wondering if a good old fashioned social media and news detox of some 6 months would be the most beneficial immediate action you could take.

    If after removing the infotainment garbage that’s being moderated, curated and subsequently force fed as truths you still feel you and your kids are in such a bleak spot, then by all means explore alternatives. I’ve already seen great comments about other places in this thread, so no need for me to add more.

    Just be warned that the other places have their own variation of the same polarization in mainstream media with the purpose of making you mad, afraid, and if they can get their way, meek & complicit.

    • SensitiveDonkey5784@alien.topB
      1 year ago

      I don’t see anxiety in the writing, I see someone who sees clearly what’s happening in their own country, and the lies that people are told about how great it all is. Maybe OP is now questioning what’s behind the positive exterior of other countries.

      Reducing social media won’t make her less woken up.