After moving all around the USA I feel it’s time to jump the pond and try something new. I have done some research into demographics like English speaking, gay friendly, etc. The list I have come up with of possible options are: South Africa, England, Wales, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland & Australia in no particular order. Re: difficulty gaining citizenship as a US citizen, should I remove any from said list? Thanks in advance for input ~
There’s a lot to untangle here but I think there are two key questions you’ll need to answer
Depending on how you answer you can broaden or greatly shrink your options. If you just want to experience the world, then you don’t need to worry about citizenship. There are some young professional visas out there. Along with some countries that let you stay for quite some time on a tourist visa (i.e. eurozone). An English speaking country will be by far the easiest to adjust to and navigate.
If you plan on continuing your work in your profession, things might be a bit more complicated. You’ll have to ensure that your education is recognized in the country you’re hoping to live in and how you could go about getting a work visa
Good luck with the research