Arabic: I have never heard anyone mentioning that term in Arabic, I am not sure it exists, I sometime say I am بدوي الكتروني but I am never serious when I say and I know it will confuse, it sounds really funny though and I enjoy saying it in Arabic, maybe because it is so uncommon concept, and I don’t think it is not a perfect translation but I like it.
German: Digitaler Nomade
Taiwan Mandarin - 數位遊民 (shùweì yóumín, direct translation of digital nomad)
Portuguese: “nômade digital”. Used frequently in the right scene (Instagram influencers and such), not at all among the average Joes.
Cyfrowy wloczega.
Norwegian: Digital Nomade
For real, is this something a person really would walk around and reflect about? Not only that, THEN posting a thread on reddit about it to discuss this with others?
A whole new level of cringy DN nerdism 🤦
german: obdachlochser selbstständiger
Romanian: Nomad Digital. But is rarely used. We simply say that “he/she works online”
same for vietnamese. “digital nomad” as an english word doesn’t mean much to people, we just say “work online”
in Mexico i found that people commonly say trabajo remoto
in spanish is nomada digital but i say im a vagabound also
in spain they also say teletrabajor from what i’ve seen (am spanish speaker but not from spain)
Yes, in Spain we use a lot “teletrabajo”, which ussually means ''I work from home"