Has anyone dealt with this question? For context, I’m American, my wife is Japanese. We live in Japan. I’m also quite sure she is not planning to kill me. Lol. I’d love to hear opinions/ideas on the topic.
Has anyone dealt with this question? For context, I’m American, my wife is Japanese. We live in Japan. I’m also quite sure she is not planning to kill me. Lol. I’d love to hear opinions/ideas on the topic.
I’ve asked my husband this and told him what I want. I think it’s a conversation everyone should have with their loved ones. The grief of losing someone so close to you is bad wnough without having to make all these decisions without knowing what the person would want.
We both want to be buried, not cremated. I’d prefer to just be washed, wrapped in a cloth and buried in a nice burial forest, but we only have one of those in my country (I hope it will change by the time I die). He doesn’t know where he wants to be buried, but I think he doesn’t care as much as he’s like ‘it’ll just be a body at that point, doesn’t matter that much’.
My mother has made an accessible list of her passwords, important stuff etc. Also a list of songs she wants played at her funeral, which funeral home she wants, which people should be invited,… I’m really grateful to her for doing that, because that way I can make sure her end of life celebration is exactly the way she wants it.
My MIL wants to be buried with a ginko biloba on her grave and there’s a quote from a book she’d like read at her funeral.