Hi everyone, Im sure this might not be the best place to post this but I cant find any other spain expats reddit, and iwas wondering if i could get some help from spanish people. I (21M) moved to spain to study and work and rented a shared room in valencia, the landlord seemed nice and we made a contract which we both signed and the room i rented looked fine (He asked for a 1500€ deposit which I didnt think much of thinking the spanish law would protect me), after 3 months of living there (rent was 420€ and bringing my computer in, in the summer the room started getting super hot and the conditioner broke, i bought my own fan and said it was fine since the landlord didnt want to come check it out after messaging him every day for 2 weeks, after that the room started getting to 45 degrees celcius and it was unbarrable to live or sleep in (it had no windows inside nor outside), I informed the landlord that I was moving out (again just saw the message but no response, when the day of moving out came I tidied up the room and cleaned it and messaged the landlord about my deposit and ending of contract since i Informed him a month before I have lived there for almost 5 months at that point), he told me I need to sign a paper saying that I am leaving the room, he came saw the room and left, I asked him about my deposit and he said “until you sign the paper”, after 1 week I met him and signed it, and he stopped responding, I went to a lawyer and they told me since i signed the paper there’s nothing they can do, He scammed me of my deposit and stopped responding, and I apparently I cant do anything about it (according to lawyers I went to), this has completely ruined my time here in spain and I cant stop thinking about it. I am from morocco so not a very wealthy country but If he thought “oh its just another moro i can just scam him and leave” then it worked because I had too much trust in the spanish system, I have now moved to madrid but I can’t get it over my head how can someone easily scam people like that and why is that allowed in spanish law. 1 о

  • Todoslosplanetas@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    It is all over the media: Spanish people are not happy about having so much immigration from Morocco. However, that landlord is a complete jerk, no doubt. With the political and social situation in all of Spain the way it is now, you should be a lot more careful and less trusting, particularly in Madrid.