Currently living in AUS/NZ with SO. We’re going to be trying for a kid soon, but we have no support network here and no family to help out. I think we should move back to the States, where I’m 100% certain family members would come to help us out for as long as we needed. Given the distance, that just wouldn’t happen if we stayed in AUS/NZ. SO thinks we can just handle it on our own.
We wouldn’t need to find new jobs, as we can just transfer internally. Would taking advantage of your home support network be enough of a reason to back to your home country?
You’re kidding. Move back to the US when the kids need to go to college. The only advantage the US has here is their great educational system. Australian Unis are atrocious in world rankings.
US college costs $30 k for a state school, $60 - 100 K for private this year (I have two in US colleges). To be considered
True but they’re actually good schools with global recognition often. my wife did a BA at Uni Texas and her MA at Univ of Indiana and has no difficulties getting recognition as an expat but my WAIT and UWA B.bus and M.Eng not so much.
Umm no. It’s only a great education if you can get into a good school, at which point you’re paying through the nose. EU is where it’s at for college, truly great college education for free.
Perhaps. It’s paid back quicker rho. I had a friend who did a 300k MBA from an Ivy. She was headhunted into a large US firm and paid that off in 3 years. You cannot get those rates in Oz.