I’m 21 years old. I would rather not specify where I live, as it always gets political when I do. I want to leave my country due to the bad income - cost of housing ratio.
I’ve never lived in Europe, but I am an EU citizen (Polish) through heritage, so I want to move to an EU country. I speak English and another language, which I will not specify, as it is only used in my country. I’m willing to learn a language, on the condition that I will be able to get around in the country while learning it. Though I’ll only learn a language if it would actually be better than moving to an English speaking country.
My budget is the equivalent of 50,000€ in my country’s currency (earned by serving in the military). I don’t have a degree, but I might study after I move.
I’m looking for a country with a high quality of life and a decent income - cost of housing ratio. It seems to me that Ireland is my best option (even though they drive on the left).
What country do you recommend I move to?
Hi OP, my husband is from the same country as you and we live as expats in Scandinavia, after a few years in Vienna. I recommend Vienna as an expat country, the residents are 42% not born in Austria so a lively international community, while the diaspora of your country is alive and active, so you can participate in typical celebrations etc. that the mainstream society does not celebrate. It is also warmer than Scandinavia with shorter winters (which I know is challenging for warm country people). German is easier to learn than rumors say, and once you speak it, you can move freely between Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Hope this helps:)
Monaco is the best
The easiest countries you can move to as an English speaker in the EU are Ireland and Malta. Both have high costs of living, and health and safety practices for labour jobs in Malta are not very high - that said, there are other areas of opportunity. Spain also has work opportunities in English, especially in coastal tourist-reliant areas in hospitality.
Long time Maltese resident here…
Housing is expensive here, if you are prepared to share a flat you will pay minimum 300 euros, but probably closer to 500 a month. If you want a place for yourself then stuido apartments in the main towns start at around 800 - 1000 a month. Prices go up from there.
You can get by without a car by living close to work and using public transport which is free but highly unreliable and uncomfortable in the summer months (and most months are summer months here).
You will be lucky to make 5 euros an hour in construction but if you are prepared to work for such money there is plenty of work as the entire island is a building site.
With your budget you could move to Sicily and buy a place for 20K - 30K and live rent free whilst you sort out your income, just a thought.
Do check (Google) how the overall acceptance is, in the country that you want to move to, towards the country you are from.
I wouldn’t recommend western Europe as the cost for living is high.
You could consider looking for a university you could study (based on what you would want to do and probably if the study is in English).
Croatia Montenegro Baltics
It is quite obvious what country ur from. Especially when ur in their sub reddit on your profile. Dont mind that Just point ing out.
Move to Poland. Especially if that’s your undisclosed second language.
Germany, Dubai, India, Japan - try searching about these
I suggest that u should travel for a while to inspect your candidate countries, though now you are entering the cold season. Talk to the people who live in those places.
cost of housing ratio. It seems to me that Ireland
Hmmmmm. I’d say actually look up job salaries, Ireland is lovely and ofc English speaking helps but the gdp averages can be misleading and housing is very expensive