So I recently got my FBI background check apostilled, and it ripped! No idea how it happened I think the FBI paper (not the apostille) was ???“stapled”??? to it, or idk. Anyways, it broke off from the Apostille. What should I do? Can I staple it back on?
Every consulate I’ve dealt with for visa purposes has said that am apostille is invalid of it becomes detached from the background check. Talk to the consulate you’re using if this is for a visa, or with the organization you’re submitting the background check to if it’s for something else. Technically altering an apostille in any way, including restapling it, renders it invalid.
but how would they know? It’s just a staple right? Or is it attached to the brass eyelets? In that case, ya I’m screwed
I would assume it’s be obvious that the staples had ripped out or become unattached and then were restapled, but again, check with whoever you’re giving the background check to.